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Deacon Lorraine Brown

'What is the Peak Park Rural Development Enabler?" is a question I am often asked.

Instead of being stationed to a circuit, I am stationed to work in the three districts that cover the Peak Park, Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby and the North West England District. I know it sounds huge, but I work predominantly within the Peak Park boundaries alongside any rural chapel or even group of Christians that feel they would like to develop mission in their rural areas. Including with our ecumenical colleagues where possible.

I am passionate about keeping rural mission on the agenda, I am concerned that we might simply close and sell chapel buildings without first considering 'how can we best be church in this area?' If selling is involved as it may well be, how are we continuing to support and care for the spirituality of people in rural areas?

I fear the development of an 'Urban-centric' church and possibility of people with little to no understanding of living in the local rural areas heavily influencing the decisions around mission priorities and rurality.

I fully embrace finding new ways to 'be church' that are Spirit lead, God centred, relevant and appropriate to today and the local rural location.

Some of the projects I have been working are

  • Setting up a charity and developing a Care Farm that reaches out to young people who are having challenging lives for many reasons. The charity has a Christian Management group and is based on a local farm.
  • Starting The Hub a rural church for hikers and bikers and other outdoor'er. Starting from scratch, The hub is based in a chapel in a village called Hope, in the Hope valley. Although we might meet for breakfast in the building we are nearly always outside praying, praising, learning, having communion etc
  • Developing with villagers in Tissington a pilgrimage book that is available in the chapel free of charge and will lead the reader on a walking pilgrimage (also mainly accessible by car and electric buggy)
  • Developing the Peak Wesley way with a keen circuit leadership team
  • Exploring different ways to worship with different chapels
  • Building a Rural Messy Church

So if you are interested in developing or exploring anything rural, please do get in touch (even if you are not in the Peak Park) it's always good to chat through ideas and share experiences. I look forward to meeting you.

07483 814111

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