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Rev'd Carole Marsden

carole marsden

Inducted as a Non-Stipendiary Minister in the North & West Derbyshire Resource Area of the United Reformed Church in January 2025, my time in the circuit will be primarily focused at Fountain Square, Tideswell (a Methodist/URC Local Ecumenical Partnership), where I will be chairing leadership team meetings, working with Karen Perry in her role as Children and Families worker, leading worship, sharing in the pastoral care and facilitating seasonal activities such as lent bible studies.

I was ordained as a United Reformed Church minister in July 2001 and since then have served churches in Stockport, Sedbergh and the South lakes and Shrewsbury. I have enjoyed time as a lay training officer, music teacher and County Ecumenical Officer alongside these roles. I am currently the Community Warden at Cliff College where I live, and work, with my family.

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