I was accredited in 2002 when the Rev Paul Bettison preached at that service and challenged me to "Show us Jesus". The strange fact is that one of the reasons that I sought the note to preach had to do with me feeling somewhat at sea. I was reaching the "fifty" milestone, the family were more independent, I needed a challenge. I was becoming distant from Jesus. I wondered who he really was! A strange beginning to a journey, you may think, but God knew the way I needed to go.
In a matter of weeks, I had a confirmation that a new road was opening up through acceptance by the Circuit to begin training and study. This affirmation was key as I progressed through the course with patient kind Ron Abbott as my tutor. In those days, there were essays to write and exams to take as well as services to share or lead as time went by. But I loved it all!
I learned to accept that I was never wholly in charge! Leading worship is God centred! The message he wants shared is paramount! Unless He is in the preparation, there's no point. Unless he is in the delivery, worship cannot be experienced. I have had to accept over the years that I may never really know how my words are received in a worshipper's heart. Sometimes people share and that is special. It's also OK not to share. I hope that our worship and experience of the risen Lord Jesus is "shown" each time we meet to give him the glory and the praise.