I went ‘On Note’ as a Local Preacher in the Telford Circuit and continued ‘On Trial’ in the Lizard and Mounts Bay Circuit, in Cornwall, until I arrived in the Peak Circuit where I finally completed my Local Preacher training, during the Covid lockdown. I am so grateful to Ron Abbott who became my Mentor and friend as we prayed and shared the word of God together. I also want to give thanks for my Tutor, Rev. Sean Adair who gave me so much help and advice and friendship as I got to grips with the assignments and learning to lead worship.
I am blessed that God called me to preach His Word, something that I really enjoy and wish to do more of, although it took me a few years to respond to that call. A call that was like a persistent ‘tap on the shoulder’ over time; ‘O love that will not let me go’!
Sometimes my wife, Fran, and I take a service together, which is also a blessing to me. Together, we are also involved in planning and organising, a Travelling Harvest and a Christmas event in Bakewell chapel.
I am looking forward to many more opportunities to preach the Good News in this Methodist New Year.