The President of Methodist Conference, The Rev'd Helen Cameron, will be visiting the Peak Methodist Circuit on the 8th February and will be the guest preacher at the Circuit Service at 2pm, Litton Methodist Church. The service will be led by Rev'd Fran Johnson.
Originally from Yorkshire, Rev'd Helen Cameron is currently the Chair of the Northampton District, and the Nottingham & Derby District, Moderator of the Free Churches Group (FCG) and President of Churches Together in England. Helen represented the FCG at the funeral of Her Majesty the Queen and was also present at the Coronation of King Charles.
Helen enjoyed circuit appointments in the Birmingham South-West and the Elmdon circuits, and is committed to the enabling, resourcing and flourishing of lay and ordained ministry. She has served in an Anglican/Methodist LEP, in industrial and rural mission, in areas of significant deprivation and in the joy of growing churches.
The Peak Methodist Circuit is looking forward to welcoming the President of Methodist Conference and would like to extend a warm invitation to all to attend the Circuit Service.